Fun for Work and Running Achievements


I’d like to announce that I ran the farthest I’ve done yet this morning (2.4…don’t laugh) with a 9:02 minute mile. Let’s just say this is a lot better than I was doing two months ago, and I’m really proud of myself for the improvement. I’m also kicking my boyfriend’s ass in our goal to run 35 miles before this upcoming wedding weekend with our buddies. Suck it!

If someone asked me a year ago whether I’d consider 6:15am an acceptable hour for existing/functioning, I would have laughed. Now I’m up around then (well, catapulting out of bed into workout clothes) and finishing a run before 7am…eating breakfast (also something I’ve never been into)…playing on Pinterest…all before the hour of 8am. It’s a miracle…this must be adulthood.


Also, some fun things to be said for work the past few weeks (yes, all work):

–       Previewed a Ferretti Yacht

–       Tried on fun jewelry at SoHo’s Bauble Bar popup with Godiva

–       Tasted $2,500 Hennesy Cognac (I’m in the sweet photo above)

–       Going to G-Shock’s private NYC event with Eminem in a top secret location tomorrow 😉

Not so terrible.